Unsweetened Original Flavour Almond Beverage
2.29 CAD
https://product-images.metro.ca/images/hba/hd8/10200589926430.jpg Enjoy the goodness of our vegan unsweetened almond beverage with only 35 calories per 250ml serving. Use it in your bowl of cereals, smoothies, in your favourite recipes and more! Life Smart 059749978385
Naturalia Unsweetened Original Flavour Almond Beverage 946 mL
Life Smart

Unsweetened Original Flavour Almond Beverage, Naturalia

946 mL
$2.29  ea.
$0.24 /100ml
Naturalia Unsweetened Original Flavour Almond Beverage 946 mL

Unsweetened Original Flavour Almond Beverage, Naturalia


Enjoy the goodness of our vegan unsweetened almond beverage with only 35 calories per 250ml serving. Use it in your bowl of cereals, smoothies, in your favourite recipes and more!

Product Number: 059749978385