Frozen Bacon Thin Crust Pizza
5.99 CAD Casa Di Mama… Homemade pizza taste just like Mama used to make! Dr. Oetker Casa Di Mama Bacon Pizza is topped with a tomato pizzeria-style sauce with tender stripes of bacon, slices of red and green onions, and the perfect blend of Edam and mozzarella cheese. Enjoy delicious pizza moments with Dr. Oetker! Dr. Oetker 058336745508
Casa Di Mama Frozen Bacon Thin Crust Pizza 405 g
Dr. Oetker

Frozen Bacon Thin Crust Pizza, Casa Di Mama

405 g
$5.99  ea.
$1.48 /100g

Casa Di Mama… Homemade pizza taste just like Mama used to make! Dr. Oetker Casa Di Mama Bacon Pizza is topped with a tomato pizzeria-style sauce with tender stripes of bacon, slices of red and green onions, and the perfect blend of Edam and mozzarella cheese. Enjoy delicious pizza moments with Dr. Oetker!

Product Number: 058336745508

Casa Di Mama Frozen Bacon Thin Crust Pizza 405 g

Frozen Bacon Thin Crust Pizza, Casa Di Mama


