Grande Vie + Extra

Grande Vie + Extra
Grande Vie + Extra - Imagine, $1,000 a day for life*... now that's just grand! And say Yes to Extra! Draw every Monday and Thursday. Deadline for wagers: Mondays and Thursdays at 10:30 p.m. The lottery ticket received will include one (1) Grande Vie play (Quick Pick) and one (1) Extra number, valid for one (1) draw of each game. The lottery ticket will be issued at the time of assembly of your order and will therefore be valid for the draw following the assembly of your order. Lottery tickets images are provided for indicative purposes only. The ticket received in an order may differ from the one presented online on metro.ca. Some terminal-based lottery tickets are not available online on metro.ca. The prize structure, odds of winning and complete information for each lottery are available from Loto-Québec upon request or at lotoquebec.com/loteries. *Details and conditions at lotoquebec.com/loteries.
Product Number: 779360405830