Tenderized Pork Leg Slices
14.29 CAD
4.29 CAD 2050-12-31T23:59:59-05:00
https://product-images.metro.ca/images/haf/h1f/8886572351518.jpg Cook to a minimum internal temperature of 63°c (145°f). Turn twice during cooking 203223
Tenderized Pork Leg Slices 2 steaks per tray

Tenderized Pork Leg Slices

2 steaks per tray
$4.29  avg. ea.
(300 g avg.)
$14.29 /kg$6.48 /lb.
Tenderized Pork Leg Slices 2 steaks per tray

Tenderized Pork Leg Slices


Cook to a minimum internal temperature of 63°c (145°f). Turn twice during cooking

Product Number: 203223