Organic Cheese and Garlic Croutons
3.99 CAD Fresh Gourmet organic croutons are infused with the intense flavour of garlic and cheese. They're perfect with salads, soups or simply as a snack. Fresh Gourmet 787359101854
Fresh Gourmet Organic Cheese and Garlic Croutons 128 g
Fresh Gourmet

Organic Cheese and Garlic Croutons

128 g
$3.99  ea.
$3.12 /100g

Fresh Gourmet organic croutons are infused with the intense flavour of garlic and cheese. They're perfect with salads, soups or simply as a snack.

Product Number: 787359101854

Fresh Gourmet Organic Cheese and Garlic Croutons 128 g

Organic Cheese and Garlic Croutons


